Friday, November 13, 2009

2009_09_16 Neighborhood Watch Point Fermin

Neighborhood Watch Point Fermin

Bruno Schmidt ran the meeting for L.A.P.D. Senior Lead Officer Brian Cook who is sitting in for Officer Joe Buscaino who is absent on assignment.

We discussed…

Meeting places, because Point Fermin Elementary School wants to charge $100.00 every 3 months to use the auditorium. So, possible new meeting places,
Point Fermin Park, Cabrillo Marina next to hotel, Angel’s Gate Park in a bungalow.

Another possibility would be locating funds to pay school to use the auditorium for meetings, they want $100.00 every 3 months

A mention of the next Point Fermin Homeowners Association meeting on Saturday at Point Fermin Park Community Building

Community Continuity program in case of emergency. Victor & Jennifer Maldonado attended the "Community Continuity — Prepare, Protect & Sustain our Harbor Communities — Phase One."
Being prepared for a catastrophic event from a San Andreas Fault earthquake:

Although, San Pedro is not projected to receive major damage during a major earthquake from the San Andreas Fault, San Pedro is projected to be affected due to the infrastructure collapse of Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino & San Gabriel counties, for example, transportation due to freeway bridge collapses, disruption of vital services like unavailable gas, telephone, water...

We would like to begin the organization of a Community Emergency Response Team for the Point Fermin area beginning with a CERT certification.
We would need a location to be certified, like the YMCA, hotel or Cabrillo Bath House.
Updates to follow.

Ways to get the message out, Call Random Lengths, placing flyers up at LightHouse cafe, Pacific Diner, Beach City Market...

The application was signed for Neighborhood Watch signs, placing them up

Crime stats, L.A.P.D. were presented
28th & Alma Street incident
In our area:
Violent attack on 27th Street & alley between Peck Ave & Carolina Street

19th & Pacific, 7-11 convenience store permitted to be built

More helicopter watches in our area

26th & Kerckhoff Ave. has been a problem

A big THANK YOU to Janice Hahn’s office who stepped in to assist with the quality of life issues at 28xx Carolina Street. There have been numerous and ongoing complaints of noise, fighting, drunkenness, threats, alleged drug dealing & also an alleged auto repair business/front. This address has been a quality of life issue for well over two years. Janice Hahn’s office was involved & shut down the alleged auto repair business — as an observation, it cannot be overstated how dramatic a change can be affected by enforcing a simple code violation.

The corner of 26th Street & Denison problems of noise, fights.

For all non-emergency calls, Non-Emergency business number 213-928-8223

Problem at 26xx Kerckhoff riding load motorcycle at all hours of the night.

Graffiti in neighborhood.
Graffiti Removal Request System
Get number to clean it up, or, take a picture of it then remove graffiti immediately.

Look into notifying the Fort MacArthur Base to attend meetings or put in their newsletters

Fireworks at night have been a problem.

For illegal auto repair businesses or dumping of oil and/or pollutants call,
Department of Building and
Safety Code Enforcement:
Bob Dunn
Tel : (310) 732-4532

For assistance in our district call Janice Hahn’s offices
Ana Dragin, MPA
Community Advocate for San Pedro
Councilwoman Janice Hahn
15th District, City of Los Angeles

To file a complaint, phone numbers for the correct department/information :
866-452-2489 call center for city of los angeles

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