Thursday, September 18, 2008

9/17/08 Point Fermin Neighborhood Watch Meeting Notes


Burglaries from Motor up not down


1. carol anne emailed everyone how to start a neighborhood watch attachment
2. l.a.p.d. officer joe buscaino updated us
- crime is down 4% in every category except for car thefts
- tips, keep valuables out of sight, there is a handout (crime walk) that addresses issues about this
- area 587, as of 2 weeks ago key narcotic arrests were made in the area, since then thefts went down
- denison avenue block party response by police, joe was on curfew watch that night, permit was never pulled properly, no arrests made
- arrest made pertaining to arm robberies, gas stations, suspect was caught, black toyota 29 and cabrillo, swat team was called, responsible for many robberies in area
- key arrest made at 12 and alma last week
- denison avenue and kerckhoff, other key arrests
- Village Pub, is now a gang hangout at night (25th and western avenue), shooting, will look into their conditional use permit, 5 arrests made last night, increased police presence
- transient problem on Shepard street south of curb left of for sale sign, arrest made, will meet with janice hahn and property owner, owner told to clean it up, doug and girlfriend
- another transient problem where carolina street dead ends, arrest made
- curfew laws detail, areas being patrolled are point fermin park, streets, 34 and carolina, 11:30 p.m. at night 2 girls told to go home
- truancy detail, call joe immediately, kids must be in school between 8:30-1:30, electronic crimes, ipods, laptops,...are attributed to juveniles
- handouts, neighborhood watch sign, rona to follow-up about signs
- surveillance cameras, $1000.00 reward for neighborhood watch to catch graffiti vandals
— update (?) about neighborhood council meeting, committee, public safety meeting, police make vandalism report as oppose to graffiti, identify moniker, needs more research
- funds for surveillance cameras, $500.00 (?) per camera, costco 16 cameras for $900.00, scott, alex aviles
- denison and kerckhoff warrants issued, found drug paraphernalia, arrests made, if one property has more than 3 narcotics arrests in a period of time (?) at one location, city can get involved to abate property, problem property 3100 block of kerckhoff (accross from 3102)(?), justin houterman new city attorney (his position is like a senior lead officer, office will be out of harbor police station - mini twin towers, excellent facility)
Justin Houterman, (310) 548-7600 — South Bureau, Harbor

- son from address on kerckhoff was arrested, but now the relatives are taking over, crime intelligence unit
- still no speed bumps on carolina street

question (not asked) — school, police helicopter, port police, no notice to school

- daytime break-in, 2940 (?) kerkoff about 3 weeks ago
- daytime break-in on south-west corner green house of 29th and carolina street (through opened bathroom window) september 16, 2008 at around 3:00-4:15 p.m., no arrests
- joe advised us to check permit of door-to-door sales people, must have permit from city of los angeles to solicit
- marvin hermoso - looking at people through binoculars, has motorcycle, joe needs address, give joe an email

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the informative posting! Some very importnat info!

Sounds like a very productive meeting! Sorry I couldn't be there. Please know that all of you who attend, and who keep the rest of us informed, are doing a great service for ALL Pt. Fermin residents! Thank you for your efforts! You are making a difference!